Project Grant mainly supports visual arts, drama, xiqu, literary arts, music, dance, film and media arts, and cross/multi-disciplinary arts. Project Grant is open to all arts practitioners and organisations. Its support covers a wide range of activities including performances, exhibitions, publications, education programmes, creation, critical reviews and archival work.
Applications for Project Grant can be made twice a year, and application deadlines are 30 June and 31 December respectively. We also offer the “Emerging Artists Development Grant” and “Cultural Exchange Grant”. The former provides support to let emerging arts groups and artists gain exposure in the industry, enables them to further develop their career. The latter encourages local artists and arts groups to showcase their artistic achievements abroad and expand their horizons. For “Cultural Exchange Grant”, there are four application submission periods every year. The closing dates are end of March, end of June, end of September and end of December respectively. For details, please refer to the Project Grant Assessment Guidelines for various art forms and Grants Assessment Guidelines.
Grant applications can be submitted by individual artists or arts organisations.
Individual applicant - Individual artists who hold a Hong Kong identity card are eligible to apply as individuals. He/she must have reached the age of 18 at the time of application.
Organisation applicant - Organisations that are registered and conducting arts activities in Hong Kong are eligible as applicants. They can be either a registered society or limited company. Applications will be processed only if sufficient evidence is provided to prove that the arts project is non-profit making. Proof of official registration must also be submitted.
We do not accept applications submitted by organisations which are in the process of being registered. Besides, we do not accept sole proprietorship, partnership or jointly submitted by more than one applicant or one organisation.
To complete the Project Grant application form efficiently and effectively and to facilitate speedy processing, please READ the Information for Project Grant Applicants carefully before filling in the form. This Information for Project Grant Applicants is also available in Chinese.
HKADC accepts applications by email, the email address is [email protected]. Applicants should submit completed application forms and supporting documents / information. Application form should be attached with email, while supporting documents / information could be submitted via a share link. Please do not submit in duplicate. Email submissions are only accepted if the electronic date and time printed is no later than the closing date. Late submission or submission via fax and digital means other than email will not be processed.
Submission of Application ↓ |
Assessment of Application ↓ |
Notification of Result ↓ |
Project Execution ↓ |
Project Completion ↓ |
Submission of Project Report |
Frozen Policy
The Frozen Policy is introduced as a precautionary measure to hold grantees responsible for the timely completion of projects and submission of project reports.
The grantee, its head of organisations, and project-in-charge will be listed in the HKADC Frozen List immediately when the project/ project report is overdue. All persons and organisations whose names in the HKADC Frozen List will not be eligible to apply for and receive any grant during the overdue period and the six-month frozen period after the overdue item is completed/ submitted.
Grant applications made during the frozen period by any such person in the capacity of “key personnel involved” will also be automatically rejected.
Review Application
The decision of the HKADC is final. However, the HKADC reserves the exclusive discretion to receive review applications over the decision of the assessment panels by unsuccessful applicants, which would be reviewed by the Review Committee in the HKADC. Review applications to the assessment panels’ decision must be made in writing by completing a standard form obtainable from the HKADC and submitted within 30 calendar days from result notification.
Review applications against artistic appreciation and judgement will not be accepted. The Review Committee will review cases only on grounds of improper processing procedures and/ or rejection of proposal due to the decision being based on inaccurate information. These claims must be substantiated by the unsuccessful applicant by concrete reasons.
All organisations/persons whose name is on the HKADC Frozen List may follow the above procedures to submit a review application.
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