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The objective of the Scheme is to promote literary arts development in Hong Kong with the view to elevate the standard and broaden the accessibility of literary works, to provide an open platform for literary works and to promote literary activities. Through the Scheme, we support the publication of quality literary magazines and organising of professional literary activities. It supports the organisations to have long-term planning for professional development. This in turn nurtures talents in publication and administrators for literary arts, helps build up and expand readership, and promotes a deeper understanding of literary arts in the community.

The Scheme supports publication of quality literary arts magazines and encourages promotional activities through funding. The current grant periods are one year and three years.


An arts organisation applicant must be a company limited by guarantee incorporated under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) or the former Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) registered in Hong Kong, with a reputable and effectively operating Board of Directors (the "Board") to monitor all aspects of the project's operation and decision. We will not consider an application for the “Literary Arts Platform Scheme” submitted in the name of an individual, a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a company limited by shares, or a society. We also do not accept any application for this scheme from any arts organisation that is the parent company or subsidiary of the arts organisations currently receiving “Literary Arts Platform Scheme” from us, or the parent company or subsidiary of any new applicant organisation that applies at the same time.

How to Apply

Application for 2024 Hong Kong Literary Arts Platform Scheme has been closed.


Application Process

Submission of Application 

  • Applicants must complete the relevant application form and submit on or before the deadline 

Assessment of Application

  • To be assessed by a panel (including Examiners and / or Members of related Artform Groups) 

Notification of Result 

  • A written notification of application result will be sent to the applicant 
  • The first installment is released after signing of agreement. The basic amount for each subsequent instalment is calculated by averaging the grant amount by the total number of issues planned.

Project Execution 

  • HKADC arranges Assessor(s) to assess publications and activities. 

Midway of Year 

  • Mid-Year Report of the project must be submitted within the 7th month of each grant year 

Project Completion 

  • Grantees should complete projects within the grant period each year 
Submission of Audit Report 
  • Year-end Report and Audit Report must be submitted within one month and six months respectively after each grant year
  • The last installment is released within one month after HKADC has checked the said Reports


Recipients List
Learn more
Grantees' Corner
Learn more
Year Grant
Project Grant
Literary Arts Platform Scheme
Eminent Arts Group Scheme
Matching Fund Scheme
Other Funding Sources