Guidelines to Acknowledge the Support of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council
All grants recipients must acknowledge the support of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council by name and logo in all relevant materials, printed matters and publicity, including publication, posters, flyer, press release, brochure, leaflet, house programme, exhibition panel, advertisement in newspapers, magazines, television and other forms of electronic media, in accordance with the guidelines below:
- Size of the HKADC logo and name must comply with Appendix (I), no alternation is allowed.
- The HKADC logo can be proportionately reduced or magnified in size, but it must not be smaller than the minimum size stipulated as shown in Appendix (I) (Note)
- The colour and font specifications in Appendix (II) must be observed:
- Two Colour: Pantone 186U (Red) and Black
- Process Colour (CMYK): Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black
- Single Colour: Black or White (Invert)
(Remark: no changes are allowed in the design and colour of the HKADC logo.)
- Use of the HKADC logo should be complemented with appropriate acknowledgement as in Appendix (III).
- The HKADC logo and the acknowledgement of HKADC support must be in proportion to other acknowledgements both in position of prominence and in ranking, and any case no smaller than the minimum size stipulated in Appendix (I).
- All publications, performances, exhibitions and film / video productions supported by the HKADC should carry the following disclaimer: “Hong Kong Arts Development Council supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.”
- All grant recipients must acknowledge the support of the HKADC, regardless of stage of progress of the relevant project / programme. If acknowledgement of HKADC support has been omitted in relevant printed matters, it must be inserted as rectification.
- All publications and publicity materials carrying the HKADC logo and acknowledgement must obtain prior endorsement of the HKADC before putting in print. Respective guidelines please see the Appendices.
For enquiries, please contact the HKADC’s Administration Office at 2827 8786.
Note: Any variations e.g. unable to meet the minimum size must obtain prior approval of the HKADC.
Appendix I: Size of the HKADC Logo and Name

Appendix II: Colour and Font Specifications

Appendix III: Acknowledgement

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