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About HKDCAbout HKDCAbout HKDCAbout HKDC

Established in 1995, Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) is a statutory body set up by the Government to support the broad development of the arts in Hong Kong. 

Its major roles include grant allocation, policy and planning, advocacy, promotion and development, and special projects.

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As HKADC's principal decision-making body, the Council comprises 27 members appointed by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong including 10 members elected by various arts constituencies. These professional and enthusiastic advocates are to oversee the administration of HKADC. The Council comprises six standing committees responsible for different aspects of work, namely the Strategy Committee,  Arts Support Committee, Arts Promotion Committee, Management Committee, Audit Committee and Review Committee as well as the Hong Kong Arts Development Fund, together with 10 art-form groups.

We also invite local arts veterans and professionals to be the arts advisors and examiners. Arts advisors are to provide professional guidance and expertise in planning and implementation of arts initiatives while examiners are to assess funding applications and make grant-related recommendations.

Art Form Groups

Our vision is to establish Hong Kong as a dynamic and diverse cultural metropolis.

Our mission is to support and promote the development of 10 major art forms in literary arts, performing arts, visual arts as well as film and media arts in Hong Kong. Aiming to foster a thriving arts environment and enhancing the quality of life of the public, the we are also committed to facilitating community-wide participation in the arts and arts education, encouraging arts criticism, raising the standard of arts administration, and contributing on policy research.

  • Freedom of artistic expression
  • Overall development of the arts in an embracing society that cherishes plurality and diversity in the arts
  • Igniting the creative spark in the city and enriching the quality of life of the public
  • Social cohesion, humanistic values and community spirit
  • Equal access to culture and the arts
Development Strategies
  • Supporting promising artists and arts groups for artistic pursuits
    Development Strategies

    Besides strategically focusing on cultivating artists and arts groups with potential, the HKADC will continue to support a range of projects to popularise the arts and assist arts practitioners and arts groups at various stages of their development through different grant schemes.

  • Promoting arts administration to improve the management of arts groups
    Development Strategies

    We launch an array of talent development and attachement programmes including internship schemes, overseas residencies, arts scholarships, cultural internships and training opportunities as well as exchange programmes both within and outside China. These initiatives are designed to strengthen the training of arts administrators and to enhance the professionalism of arts practitioners and arts groups. We also help arts groups towards professional development by improving their management and organisational abilities. 

  • Improving the arts environment and proposing policy recommendations
    Development Strategies

    By conducting researches and studies, we compile, preserve and analyse the information on local arts activities and the results achieved, observe and understand the local arts milieu and its development in order to reflect the realities and the needs of the arts and culture community to the government. At the same time, we advise the government on the policies and measures to help foster a more conducive environment for arts development.

  • Enhancing public participation, developing arts space for artistic creation and production
    Development Strategies

    We foster a more pervasive artistic ambience in society and cultivate the audience by organising various arts activities. We collaborate with various organisations to develop new venues for artistic creation and performances, bringing new arts experiences to audience.

  • Fostering strategic partnerships and attracting private sector resources to support the arts
    Development Strategies

    To explore more social resources for the development of arts in Hong Kong, we strengthen the networks with different sectors as well as local and overseas arts organisations

  • Besides strategically focusing on cultivating artists and arts groups with potential, the HKADC will continue to support a range of projects to popularise the arts and assist arts practitioners and arts groups at various stages of their development through different grant schemes.

  • We launch an array of talent development and attachement programmes including internship schemes, overseas residencies, arts scholarships, cultural internships and training opportunities as well as exchange programmes both within and outside China. These initiatives are designed to strengthen the training of arts administrators and to enhance the professionalism of arts practitioners and arts groups. We also help arts groups towards professional development by improving their management and organisational abilities. 

  • By conducting researches and studies, we compile, preserve and analyse the information on local arts activities and the results achieved, observe and understand the local arts milieu and its development in order to reflect the realities and the needs of the arts and culture community to the government. At the same time, we advise the government on the policies and measures to help foster a more conducive environment for arts development.

  • We foster a more pervasive artistic ambience in society and cultivate the audience by organising various arts activities. We collaborate with various organisations to develop new venues for artistic creation and performances, bringing new arts experiences to audience.

  • To explore more social resources for the development of arts in Hong Kong, we strengthen the networks with different sectors as well as local and overseas arts organisations


Newly designed or ongoing projects will be reviewed and discussed in the mid-level committees before passing to the Council for further discussion and endorsement. Evaluation on the overall planning will be conducted in retreats held in the middle and at the end of the Council term. Consolidated views and experiences will be forwarded to the next term of Council for reference. To keep abreast of time, we will constantly enhance and strengthen our corporate governance by making reference to recommendations made by the Independent Commission Against Corrouption and our internal auditor, so as to effectively perform the functions of HKADC.





Remark: The HKADC has designated Information Officer who is responsible for ensuring that requests for access to information under the HKADC’s Code on Access to Information (Code)  are properly dealt with accordingly to specific procedures.

The measures on the promotion of racial equality drawn up by HKADC are to set out good practices in achieving effective delivery of our services for all people of Hong Kong regardless of their race, cultures and languages, and to help raise awareness of the importance of building a racially inclusive and cohesive society. Details of the measures are available in EnglishChineseBahasa IndonesiaNepaliUrduPunjabiTagalogThaiHindi and Vietnamese .

Statistics on services with respect to provision of interpretation and translation services (from April 2023 to March 2024)